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Mudlet Mapper

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Re: Mudlet Mapper

Postby Torhild » Sun Aug 13, 2017 10:56 pm

For someone that has no clue what they are doing, where are the triggers supposed to be placed? Are they supposed to replace anything?
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Re: Mudlet Mapper

Postby dresdor » Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:10 am

If someone could ELI5 this whole thing or create a complete idiot's guide for this complete idiot, I'd appreciate it.
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Re: Mudlet Mapper

Postby Votrepatron » Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:02 pm

I hear ya guys. ;D It took me some time to figure out exactly what is going on with it, especially since i have never coded in LUA before.

Let me explain the basic concepts of what is going on. Mudlet is customizable. It does not have an innate mapping function we can use for GNSmud. So we have to adapt a generic one. What we are doing is having Mudlet review the text that is being displayed in the console (The main window we play the game in) and make decisions or actions based on that.

So when talking about the things we need in order to make a map: room name, exits, prompt, area name, etc... Those are all within the game itself. We are just helping the computer identify those. The mapping script is already written, we just need to help the computer find those elements.

I am currently working on getting the "Room name" working 100% of the time. It is failing right now. It will grab the correct room name most of the time, but will occasionally grab a different part of the console and interpret it as a room name, making a new room that the map doesnt know what to do with. So it screws the map up entirely.

Will post an update when i get that working. I will also post Screenshots and try and make a step-by-step for a how-to.
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Re: Mudlet Mapper

Postby Gibs » Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:23 pm

Any luck figuring out the get Room Name?
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Re: Mudlet Mapper

Postby Votrepatron » Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:46 pm

I figured it out about a week ago, but haven't had time to make this until now. Even now i am writing this in between calls at work. Apologies if it does not make sense.

Step 1:
Get the script: https://forums.mudlet.org/mudlet-mapper ... t6105.html
This is the website with the generic script we are using to map GSNMud. It has 2 things we need.

Here is the package. If you want to use this option, just paste it into the main mudlet console window, hit enter, and it will install for you. By far the easiest option. If you do not use this, you will need to copy/paste the script into mudlet.

Code: Select all
lua function downloaded_package(a,b) if not b:find("generic_mapper",1,true) then return end installPackage(b) os.remove(b) end registerAnonymousEventHandler("sysDownloadDone","downloaded_package") downloadFile(getMudletHomeDir().."/generic_mapper.mpackage","http://dslpnp.altervista.org/Generic_Mapper.mpackage")

Second: We need to ensure a window manager script is installed. This one is just Copy and paste and done.
Code: Select all
-- Window Manager Script --
--  Zachary Hiland
--  10/22/2016
--  v2.00c
--  Functions Details
--      windowManager.create(name, type, x, y, width, height, origin, [font_size]) or windowManager.add(info_table)
--      creates a window and adds it to the windowManager
--      info_table must have a valid entry for each argument, by the same name, as in the normal function call
--      name - name of already created window (label, miniConsole, gauge, mapper, menu, or autowrap)
--          Note: for a mapper window, use any name you like, so long as it isn't the name of some other object
--      type - identify the type of window, must be label, miniConsole, gauge, mapper, or menu
--      x - distance horizontally from the origin corner
--      y - distance vertically from the origin corner
--      width - width of window
--      height - height of window
--      origin - corner to act as origin for this window, must be topleft, topright, bottomleft, or bottomright
--      font_size - only used for autowrap windows, will be automatically set as the font size for the created window
--      note: all measurements should be numbers, or strings with values measured in percent or pixels (or unlabeled)
--          if a measurement contains both percent and pixel values (or multiple values of the same type), they should be separated
--          by a "+" symbol. Example: "25% + 50px + 16"
--      important: no negative numbers
--      windowManager.add(name, type, x, y, width, height, origin, font_size) or windowManager.create(info_table)
--      adds an already created window to the windowManager, uses the exact same arguments as those in the "create" function
--      windowManager.remove(name)
--      removes a window from the windowManager
--      windowManager.move(name, x, y)
--      moves a window with the windowManager
--      windowManager.resize(name, width, height)
--      resizes a window with the windowManager
--      windowManager.relocate(name, origin)
--      changes the corner acting as the origin for a window in the windowManager
--      windowManager.show(name)
--      shows a window that is managed by windowManager (you can also use showWindow or showGauge functions)
--          Note: this is only really important for a mapper window
--      windowManager.hide(name)
--      hides a window that is managed by windowManager (you can also use hideWindow or hideGauge functions)
--          Note: this is only really important for a mapper window
--      windowManager.getValue(name, value)
--      returns the calculated size or position values, or the origin, for a window in the windowManager
--      windowManager.math(value1, value2, operation)
--      allows addition and subtraction of measurements with each other,
--      and multiplication and division of a measurement by a normal number
--      windowManager.simplify(measurement)
--      returns a simplified version of a measurement (all percent and pixel values are combined together)
--      windowManager.refresh(name)
--      sets the size and location of a window in the windowManager using previously set values
--      note: generally this function does not need to be called
--      windowManager.refreshAll()
--      note: this function is called automatically when a sysWindowResizeEvent event occurs,
--          and generally does not need to be called manually
--      windowManager.createBuffer(name)
--      creates a buffer to be used with an autowrap window, only needed if miniconsole added manually to windowManager
--      windowManager.append(name)
--      appends text to an autowrap window, works just like appendBuffer()
--      windowManager.echo(name, text)
--      echoes text to an autowrap window. cecho, decho, and hecho are also available.
--      windowManager.clear(name)
--      clears an autowrap window.
--      windowManager.setFontSize(name, font_size)
--      sets the font size for an autowrap window.

windowManager = windowManager or {}
windowManager.list = windowManager.list or {}

local function calcScaledNum(scale,num)
    scale_table = string.split(scale," %+ ")
    if #scale_table > 2 then
        scale = windowManager.simplify(scale)
        scale_table = string.split(scale," %+ ")
    scale = 0
    if #scale_table == 2 then
        scale = string.cut(scale_table[1],#scale_table[1] - 1) * num / 100
        scale = scale + string.gsub(scale_table[2],"px","")
    elseif string.find(scale_table[1],"%%") then
        scale = string.cut(scale_table[1],#scale_table[1] - 1) * num / 100
        scale = string.gsub(scale_table[1],"px","")
    scale = math.floor(scale + 0.5)
    return scale

local function rewrap_window(name)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    local buffer = name .. "_windowManager_buffer"
    local wrap = math.floor(windowManager.getValue(name,"width") / calcFontSize(info.font))
    local line, moved
    line = 0
    moved = moveCursor(buffer,1,line)
    while moved do
        line = line + 1
        moved = moveCursor(buffer,1,line)

function windowManager.simplify(measure)
    measure = string.gsub(measure,"%s*-%s*([%d%%]+)"," + -%1")
    measure = string.gsub(measure,"%-%-","")
    measure = string.gsub(measure,"%+%s*%+","+")
    measure = string.gsub(measure,"^%s*%+","")
    local measure_table = string.split(measure,"+")
    local percent, pixel = 0,0
    for k,v in ipairs(measure_table) do
        v = string.trim(v)
        if string.find(v,"%%") then
            v = string.gsub(v,"%%","")
            if not tonumber(v) then display(measure) end
            percent = percent + v
        elseif v ~= "" then
            v = string.gsub(v,"px","")
            if not tonumber(v) then display(measure) end
            pixel = pixel + v
    percent = math.floor(1000 * percent + .5) / 1000
    pixel = math.floor(1000 * pixel + .5) / 1000
    if percent == 0 then
        measure = pixel .. "px"
    elseif pixel == 0 then
        measure = percent .. "%"
        measure = percent .. "% + " .. pixel .. "px"
    return measure

function windowManager.math(measure,num,op)
    if not table.contains({"multiply","divide", "add", "subtract"},op) then
        error("windowManager.math: bad argument #3 \"operation\", must be add, subtract, multiply or divide",2)
    if op == "divide" or op == "multiply" then
        if string.find(num,"%%") then
            num = string.gsub(num,"%%","") / 100
        if not tonumber(num) then
            error("windowManager.math: bad argument #2 \"num\", must be a number",2)
        num = tonumber(num)
        measure = string.gsub(measure,"%s*-%s*([%d%%]+)"," + -%1")
        measure = string.gsub(measure,"%+%s*%+","+")
        measure = string.gsub(measure,"^%s*%+","")
        local measure_table = string.split(measure,"+")
        if op == "divide" then num = 1 / num end
        for k,v in ipairs(measure_table) do
            v = string.trim(v)
            v = (string.gsub(v,"([%d%.]+).*","%1") * num) .. string.gsub(v,".*[%d%.]+(.*)","%1")
            measure_table[k] = v
        measure = table.concat(measure_table," + ")
        if op == "subtract" then
            num = windowManager.math(num,"-1","multiply")
        measure = measure .. " + " .. num
        measure = string.gsub(measure,"([^%s%+%-]+)%s*-%s*([%d%.%-]+)","%1 + -%2")
    return windowManager.simplify(measure)

function windowManager.create(name, window_type, ...)
    local tbl = {}
    local is_table = false
    if type(name) == "table" then
        name = tbl.name
        window_type = tbl.type
        is_table = true
    if type(window_type) ~= "string" then
        error("windowManager.create: bad argument #2 \"type\", must be string.",2)
    window_type = string.lower(window_type)
    if not table.contains({"label","miniconsole","gauge","mapper","menu","autowrap"},window_type) then
        error("windowManager.create: invalid type",2)
    if window_type == "label" then
        createLabel(name, 0,0,0,0,1)
    elseif window_type == "miniconsole" then
    elseif window_type == "gauge" then
    elseif window_type == "menu" then
    elseif window_type == "autowrap" then
        createBuffer(name .. "_windowManager_buffer")
        setWindowWrap(name .. "_windowManager_buffer",1000)
    if is_table then
        return windowManager.add(tbl)
        return windowManager.add(name, window_type, ...)

function windowManager.makeBuffer(name)
    createBuffer(name .. "_windowManager_buffer")
    setWindowWrap(name .. "_windowManager_buffer",1000)

function windowManager.add(name, window_type, x, y, w, h, origin, font)
    local tbl = {}
    if type(name) == "table" then
        tbl = table.update(tbl,name)
        name = tbl.name
        x = tbl.x
        y = tbl.y
        w = tbl.width
        h = tbl.height
        origin = tbl.origin
        window_type = tbl.type
        font = tbl.font_size
        tbl = {}
    font = font or 10
    if not name then
        error("windowManager.add: bad argument #1 \"name\".",2)
    windowManager.list[name] = nil
    if type(window_type) ~= "string" then
        error("windowManager.add: bad argument #2 \"type\", must be string.",2)
    window_type = string.lower(window_type)
    if not table.contains({"label","miniconsole","gauge","mapper","menu","autowrap"},window_type) then
        error("windowManager.add: invalid type",2)
    if not (x and y and w and h) then
        error("windowManager.add: must have x, y, width, and height.",2)
    origin = origin or "topleft"
    origin = string.lower(origin)
    if not table.contains({"topleft","topright","bottomleft","bottomright"},origin) then
        error("windowManager.add: bad argument #7 \"origin\".",2)
    x = windowManager.simplify(x)
    y = windowManager.simplify(y)
    w = windowManager.simplify(w)
    h = windowManager.simplify(h)
    tbl = {
        type = window_type,
        x = x, y = y, h = h, w = w,
        origin = origin}
    if window_type == "autowrap" then
        tbl.font = font
        setMiniConsoleFontSize(name, font)
    windowManager.list[name] = tbl

function windowManager.remove(name)
    windowManager.list[name] = nil

function windowManager.refresh(name, main_w, main_h)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.refresh: no such window.",2) end
    local x,y,w,h,origin,win_type = info.x, info.y, info.w, info.h, info.origin, info.type
    if not (main_w and main_h) then
        main_w, main_h = getMainWindowSize()
    w = calcScaledNum(w,main_w)
    x = calcScaledNum(x,main_w)
    h = calcScaledNum(h,main_h)
    y = calcScaledNum(y,main_h)
    if string.find(origin,"right") then
        x = main_w - x - w
    if string.find(origin,"bottom") then
        y = main_h - y - h
    if win_type == "gauge" then
    elseif win_type == "mapper" then
        if not info.hide then
    elseif win_type == "menu" then
        if win_type == "autowrap" then

function windowManager.resize(name, w, h)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.resize: no such window.",2) end
    if not (w and h) then error("windowManager.resize: must have both width and height.",2) end
    w = windowManager.simplify(w)
    h = windowManager.simplify(h)
    windowManager.list[name].w = w
    windowManager.list[name].h = h

function windowManager.move(name, x, y)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.move: no such window.",2) end
    if not (x and y) then error("windowManager.move: must have both x and y.",2) end
    x = windowManager.simplify(x)
    y = windowManager.simplify(y)
    windowManager.list[name].x = x
    windowManager.list[name].y = y

function windowManager.relocate(name, origin)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.relocate: no such window.",2) end
    origin = origin or "topleft"
    origin = string.lower(origin)
    if not table.contains({"topleft","topright","bottomleft","bottomright"},origin) then
        error("windowManager.relocate: bad argument #2 \"origin\".",2)
    windowManager.list[name].origin = origin

function windowManager.hide(name)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.hide: no such window.",2) end
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if info.type == "gauge" then
    elseif info.type == "mapper" then
        windowManager.list[name].hide = true
    elseif info.type == "menu" then

function windowManager.show(name)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.show: no such window.",2) end
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if info.type == "gauge" then
    elseif info.type == "mapper" then
        windowManager.list[name].hide = false
    elseif info.type == "menu" then

function windowManager.setFontSize(name, font_size)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.setFontSize: no such window.",2) end
    windowManager.list[name].font = font_size
    setMiniConsoleFontSize(name, font_size)

function windowManager.clear(name)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.clear: no such window.",2) end
    clearWindow(name .. "_windowManager_buffer")

function windowManager.append(name)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.append: no such window.",2) end
    appendBuffer(name .. "_windowManager_buffer")

function windowManager.echo(name, text)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.echo: no such window.",2) end
    echo(name, text)
    echo(name .. "_windowManager_buffer", text)

function windowManager.cecho(name, text)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.cecho: no such window.",2) end
    cecho(name, text)
    cecho(name .. "_windowManager_buffer", text)

function windowManager.hecho(name, text)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.hecho: no such window.",2) end
    hecho(name, text)
    hecho(name .. "_windowManager_buffer", text)

function windowManager.decho(name, text)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.decho: no such window.",2) end
    decho(name, text)
    decho(name .. "_windowManager_buffer", text)

function windowManager.getValue(name, value)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.getValue: no such window.",2) end
    if not table.contains({"x","y","width","height","w","h","origin"},value) then
        error("windowManager.getValue: no such value.",2)
    local sys_w, sys_h = getMainWindowSize()
    if value == "width" then value = "w" end
    if value == "height" then value = "h" end
    local tmp = windowManager.list[name][value]
    if value == "w" or value == "x" then
        tmp = calcScaledNum(tmp,sys_w)
    elseif value == "h" or value == "y" then
        tmp = calcScaledNum(tmp,sys_h)
    return tmp

function windowManager.refreshAll()
    local main_w, main_h = getMainWindowSize()
    for k,v in pairs(windowManager.list) do
        windowManager.refresh(k, main_w, main_h)

registerAnonymousEventHandler("sysWindowResizeEvent", "windowManager.refreshAll")

Alright. If you are going about the copy paste option for the two scripts pasted above, You need to paste them into the 'script' tab on mudlet. Name it whatever you want, it doesn't matter. I titled mine 'Generic Mapping Script' and 'Window Manager'. You have successfully completed the first step!

Step Two: Triggers
If you used the install method above than you already have the generic triggers created. If you did not, i am going to go over them either way so you will just have to type them out.
Click on the Trigger button on Mudlet.
We will be creating these:
As you can see my triggers are located under "Generic Mapper"
The essential ones you will need are 'Move Fail Trigger', 'Prompt Trigger', 'Rooms and Exits', and 'Extended Exits Capture Trigger'. The room name and exits capture are unnecessary.
We will start at the top.

Move Fail Trigger
Make it look just like mine. Add any other triggers that would cause your character not to move that you would like. This one is very straight forward.

You only need to adjust line 1 on the triggers and line 1 on the script. No adjustment besides the trigger line 1 if you downloaded the script through the package.

Prompt Trigger
This one is a tad bit trickier. You may need to brush up on your regex(if you know it, I didn't know for sure what it was so i did a lot of research for this.) *important Note Lua uses % instead of / for regex.

If you have not customized your prompt (by prompt i mean the line that shows up every 2 seconds and states your HP/MP/etc...) Than you can use the one i created(it is long and ugly but it works.)

Edit line 1 of trigger if you already have it, if not just type it in.
*Note to change trigger type to 'perl regex' And you do not need line 3 it is merely for testing purposes.

Rooms and Exits
This one was the most difficult. Shadowdale/gnsmud have no distinguishing color or feature of the room name to use for this. So we are using a script that will gather every line and sort through them to find it. This one we will just copy/paste it into the script tab under a new script.
Code: Select all
local desc = {}

function get_desc(line)
   if not string.starts(line,"Exits") then
      local index
      for i,v in ipairs(desc) do
         if i ~= 1 and string.match(v, "^%s+%w+") then
            index = i - 1
      map.prompt.room = desc[index]
      map.prompt.exits = string.match(line,"Exits: (.*)")

function reset_desc()
   desc = {}

After copy/pasting this into a script we need to set up the trigger to call it. It is quite easy.
The trigger is a color trigger. FG color white(the darker of the two) BG color is black. and the script to call is "get_desc(line)".


And that is it!
The last trigger is the Extended Exits Capture Trigger, Which we will not be adjusting at all(it activates and deactivates on it's own.) I didnt grab a screenshot of it and i'm at work, so i cant help you if you need to type it up yourself until later.

In order to begin mapping just type "Start Mapping <area name>" and go for it! Mapping does have a learning curve to it, being that there are not maps built in to mudlet for gndmud yet.

I have not had time to play with it since i have gotten it working but here are some things i have learned:

When mapping, if you are going to walk into a room you have already mapped you need to type move <direction> the direction being the direction opposite of that you are going to move to. then type 'merge rooms' if they are the same room. The mapper does not have any way of knowing if the room you are going into has already been mapped. I don't know about this in particular, I haven't had that much time with it.

The aliases needed to create a valid map are listed in the notes at the beginning of the script. Refer to them for more information on how to map properly. Mapping is not super easy, but if we want to map all of gnsmud than we need to work at it together. Save, export and share maps for other so that we can all learn where to go and what we can do better.

If you see me in game and have a question feel free to ask as well.
My toons:
Votrepatron - MU
Tera - Ba
Creed - CL/WA/SO

Let me know if anything is unclear. I will try and answer questions as best i can.
Good luck!

edit 1: Images didn't show, changed them to URL's. Link goes to imgur link of images.

edit 2: Clarification on how to use the alias commands.
Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2017 5:35 pm

Re: Mudlet Mapper

Postby Brennor » Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:13 pm

Cool, thanks for the information. I'm going to start playing with this and see what comes of it.

Any ideas how we'd go about sharing maps around?
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Joined: Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:21 pm
Location: NE USA

Re: Mudlet Mapper

Postby Clarky_MacLeod » Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:29 pm

Sorry for the noob questions, but i don't have any LUA nor Perl experience. Could you please explain the Prompt trigger a little bit more? My Prompt is $kW($kR%h$kW/$kr%H$kW) ($kG%v$kW/$kg%V$kW) ($kB%x$kW) ($kY%g$kW) C:$kY%c$kW/$kR%C$kW>. Should i just translate into perl and write it after ^Shadowdale:\(type help prompt\) ?

Also, could you please explain what those triggers do? What are they displaying or doing?

Everytime i try to start mapping <Shadowdale Village>, i get "Start Mapping Error: No room detected!" as response. what does that imply?

There is so much to learn with this game :D

Thanks for your support.
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:15 pm

Re: Mudlet Mapper

Postby vintermann » Wed Apr 28, 2021 11:30 am

Hi, reviving an old thread but I thought I should tell my experiences:

Votrepatron's approach above to catch room names will get confused an awful lot, because although most room descriptions start with an indent, far from all do. Already in the starting inn there are at least three rooms that don't. And the room title proper doesn't necessarily appear on its own line; in particular if you speedwalk it almost never does, instead appearing on the same line as the prompt.

I instead used an approach where whenever a direction key was entered, a temporary trigger was set which logged every line until it encountered an "Exits:" line.
That still isn't foolproof, because the mud happily will squeeze in a line in between the prompt and the room description, leading the mapper to think it's in a whole new room named "The kobold walks east.", "You are hungry", "A ghast hates your guts!" etc. wreaking havok on the map you've carefully constructed.

So I added a little cleanup too, instead of just assuming the top line in this log is the room title, it tries to clean out obvious junk (such as bits of my prompt, empty lines, anything ending in "direction" and anything starting with "You".)

Here's my room name detection script so far:

Code: Select all
-- Script to log multi-line descriptions, like --
-- room or item descriptions                   --

-- Just a little preemptive cleanup to avoid leaking temp triggers.
-- If I did this over again I wouldn't have bothered with temp triggers,
-- and just used permanently on ones.
if (descriptionLogger and descriptionLogger.trig) then

descriptionLogger = {}
descriptionLogger.log = {}

-- This should be called whenever a movement is initiated, i.e. in the
-- "capture_move_cmd" in the mapping script
descriptionLogger.activate = function()
  if not descriptionLogger.trig then
    descriptionLogger.log = {} -- Erase all old lines
     descriptionLogger.trig = tempRegexTrigger("^", function() table.insert(descriptionLogger.log, line) end)

-- This should be called in the exits trigger, BEFORE you set the exits and raise onNewRoom event
descriptionLogger.deactivate = function()
  if descriptionLogger.trig then
    descriptionLogger.trig = nil

-- This is hacky and far from perfect, but it gets rid of MOST junk in the
-- description log, in particular junk from mobs moving in and out.
-- I keep improving it as I get new kind of junk rooms during mapping,
-- you should too!
function fixRoomDescription()
  while true do
    -- The >>> in the next line is at the very end of my prompt.
    -- If you adapt this script for your own, use whatever at's the end
    -- of your prompt (ideally something that isn't used much in room
    -- descriptions or titles)
    local fixedPrompt = string.match(descriptionLogger.log[1], ">>>(.*)")
    if descriptionLogger.log[1] == "" then
      table.remove(descriptionLogger.log, 1)
    elseif fixedPrompt then
      -- Remove the line containing a prompt,
      table.remove(descriptionLogger.log, 1)
      -- and replace it with only the bits after the prompt on the same line
      table.insert(descriptionLogger.log, 1, fixedPrompt)
    -- Remove lines from mobs moving in and out. This could probably be done
    -- with just one smarter regex if I had time.
    elseif string.match(descriptionLogger.log[1], " south%.") then
      table.remove(descriptionLogger.log, 1)
    elseif string.match(descriptionLogger.log[1], " north%.") then
      table.remove(descriptionLogger.log, 1)
    elseif string.match(descriptionLogger.log[1], " east%.") then
      table.remove(descriptionLogger.log, 1)
    elseif string.match(descriptionLogger.log[1], " west%.") then
      table.remove(descriptionLogger.log, 1)
    elseif string.match(descriptionLogger.log[1], " up%.") then
      table.remove(descriptionLogger.log, 1)
    elseif string.match(descriptionLogger.log[1], " down%.") then
      table.remove(descriptionLogger.log, 1)
    elseif string.match(descriptionLogger.log[1], " above%.") then
      table.remove(descriptionLogger.log, 1)
    elseif string.match(descriptionLogger.log[1], " below%.") then
      table.remove(descriptionLogger.log, 1)
    elseif string.match(descriptionLogger.log[1], "^You") then
      table.remove(descriptionLogger.log, 1) 
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Apr 26, 2021 7:42 am


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