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@@@@ TIPS and TRICKS @@@@@
Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:18 pm
by luna_sexton
This thread is going to be about tips and tricks for around the mud.
Try to keep the replies to tips and tricks to a minimum. It will allow players to scroll through the tricks quickly.
If there is an issue with a trick or tip.. let the person know then remove the post once fixed.
We will also be creating a thread for Items and one for Monsters.
Thanks and Enjoy!
Luna Sexton - the Green Tablet
Re: @@@@ TIPS and TRICKS @@@@@
Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:21 pm
by luna_sexton
Consider is a way to evaluate the monster you are wanting to fight.
FYI: If you have studied a lore (Giant lore, reptile lore ) consider will tell more information!
Re: @@@@ TIPS and TRICKS @@@@@
Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:23 pm
by luna_sexton
Lores are ways to learn more about the enemy race. Some bonuses you get are;
extra damage and more info on consider.
Loremasters are around the mud. You can find them in weird and interesting places.
Re: @@@@ TIPS and TRICKS @@@@@
Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:25 pm
by luna_sexton
Asheley in Lost City
Sweet Asheley (the FS psi) is a loremaster of Reptile Lore!
This will help killing the snakemen that are east of the town center.
Snakemen are evil and a good way to fix alignment. (They poison!)
Sanc Potion in Lost City (Gondola)
Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:27 pm
by luna_sexton
There is a sanc potion in Lost City zone.
It is in the same room with Asheley (Loremaster,Psi,FS).
It is on Gondola the barb.
Asheley has a nice sash that is for head and waist that is invis/spy.
Resist Blunt Item
Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:29 pm
by luna_sexton
Resist Items mean that you take 1/2 damage from types of Damage... Fire/blunt/slash..etc.
For things like Sleep or Charm or Hold or Drain you get a second chance to save against the spell!
FYI: There is a resist Blunt Item in LOST CITY. It is on the Monkey Idol. Pearly Opal.
Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:41 pm
by luna_sexton
You can change your title to say whatever you want at level 20!
type : Title has a new awesome title!
You can also add color to your title by using ansi.
Check out HELP ANSI
FYI: $kR, $kg, $kG
Sanc potions near Shadowdale
Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:35 pm
by luna_sexton
Ant Nursery has 2 sparkling sanc potions.
4e2de2d3nd3n kill nurse.. then track down the other nurse.. the hatchery is 3x3 square.
The potions are unrentable so use them or drop them in donations.
Backstabbing Huge Monsters
Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:47 pm
by luna_sexton
If you are polymorphed into a Giant race you can backstab large monsters.
Make sure the monster is not immune pierce.
Polymorph you dont get your haste... but certain abilities come with each race.
TYPE AB for abilities... storm giants can throw bolts of lightning!
Re: Sanc potions near Shadowdale
Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:41 pm
by luna_sexton
luna_sexton wrote:Ant Nursery has 2 sparkling sanc potions.
4e2de2d3nd3n kill nurse.. then track down the other nurse.. the hatchery is 3x3 square.
The potions are unrentable so use them or drop them in donations.