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Fae is at your service in The Common

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:14 pm
by Zax
Fae has taken up residence in The Common to provide you with various magical services.

EDIT 2021/08/10: Added "dispel <item>", make" and "enchant" commands. See details in command list below.
EDIT 2020/02/23: Named changed to Fae. Other updates shown in bolded text below.

Shout, send, tell, gossip, or bespeak "summon" to Fae be summoned to The Common.
Note: tell and gossip only work if you are in the Shadowdale Village zone where Fae is located.

Tell, say, or ask Fae "report" to see her status

Tell, say, or ask Fae "help" for in-game instructions on using her services

Tell, say, or ask Fae for following spells (alternate commands in parentheses):
armor (arm)
comprehend languages (comp, comprehend)
create food (food, cf)
cure blindness (cure blind, cb)
darkness (dark)

detect evil (de)
detect good (dg)
detect invisibility (di)
detect magic (dm)
dispel magic (dispel, dism)
dispel <item name> - First give Fae the item. She will dispel its magical enhancements then drop it. NOTE: Dispelling an item DOES NOT remove class/alingment restrictions.
enchant <weapon name> - Only works for weapons. First give Fae the weapon. She will dispel it then enchant it and drop it. NOTE: Weapon will be EVIL ONLY due to Fae's alignment.
energy restore (restore)
heroes feast (hero, heroes, feast) - must follow Fae first
invisibility (invisible, invis)
major track (major, maj)
make <object name> (works same as 'minor creation' below)
minor creation <object name> (mc <object name>)
minor track (minor, min)
portal <target name> (port <target name>)
protection from evil (pevil, pfe, pe)
refresh (ref)
remove curse (rc)
remove paralysis <target name> (rpara <target name>)
remove poison (rp)
resurrection <target name> (rez <target name>) Must first give Fae 75k gold to cover the costs of a resurrection.
sanctuary (sanc)
second wind (sec, sw)
shield (shi)
strength (str)
succor - Fae will make you a recall scroll
true sight (ts)
water breath (wb)

Re: Siri is at your service in The Common

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 4:15 pm
by luna_sexton
Thanks! This is awesome!
Saves me alot of time running around getting heal potions and sanc potions!

Re: Siri is at your service in The Common

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 4:02 pm
by Bounces
Siri is my favorite bot ever. She is super useful and I like how she does random socials from time to time.


Re: Fae is at your service in The Common

PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 1:22 pm
by Zax
Hi all. I made some updates to Fae recently (and I finally updated the original post above to show her name change & additional spells).

The most notable is that if she gets hung up, you can try to fix her by telling her "reset".

If that doesn't work, email me @ and I'll get on as soon as I can to fix her.

EDIT: I've since fixed the problems that caused her to hang up and since the 'reset' option never fully worked, I've removed it.


Re: Fae is at your service in The Common

PostPosted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 3:29 pm
by luna_sexton
Reset option is awesome. Thanks!

Re: Fae is at your service in The Common

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:21 pm
by Zax
Hi all, I added a new feature for Fae...

If you are in The Common and suffer from hunger or thirst, she will follow you, cast heroes feast, then unfollow you.


Re: Fae is at your service in The Common

PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2021 7:07 am
by Zax
Hi again everyone. I added a "help" command for newbies.

Re: Fae is at your service in The Common

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 5:32 am
by Zax
Added 'dispel <item>', 'make <item>' and 'enchant <weapon>" commands to Fae's repertoire.

Re: Fae is at your service in The Common

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 1:28 pm
by Babolas
Fae is an amazing help!

Is it ok to grab eq out of the rift container lying in commons? If not I will return the Cloud Armband, which seems very powerful. Thx

Re: Fae is at your service in The Common

PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 12:51 am
by Zax
Hi Babolas,

Yes, generally anything you find lying around on the ground is free for the taking. The only exception would be if a player left something near an innkeeper so one of his morts can log in and grab it. But that usually happens very quickly.