This is Necroing this thread...but there isn't a whole bunch of traffic on the forum these days, so it probably doesn't matter much.
To chip in my two cents, once I am kitted out and buffed I generally con just to make sure that it doesn't say "Why don't I just kill you..." It seems like one on one and keeping them bashed I can solo most anything up to "You are mad". Playing a Cl/Wr right now...but honestly it seems like it has pretty much always been that way. Through Newbie and Chump you have to be more careful about more of the upper ratings on consider, but once you get to high chump or medium you seem to just start tearing through things that are level appropriate if you are well prepared.
That's the way of TableTop DnD too though, you don't have the option to consider most of the time. If you think you will win then pick a fight and be ready to run if things go sideways.
And with Siri in Common for always on emergency summons picking fights with things that might be a little above your weight class is less risky.
If I were going to redo consider I would have it output something along the lines of what superb lore gives...but with more solid info. It should even be able to factor in things like damage resistance or susceptibility for you (but probably not for them since your character likely doesn't know that they are resistant without magic investigation like know monster). The system can crunch all the math, so it should be too difficult to give something like this:
You will probably hit them 4 out of every 20 times.
You will probably kill them in 50 hits.
They will probably attack 3 times per round.
They will probably hit you 16 out of every 20 times
They will probably kill you in 10 hits.
Why don't I kill you right now and save you the trouble?
The made up math assumes that the to hits are based on a d20 roll vs AC with hit bonus factored in. If that is the case every chance to hit is a percentage multiple of 5 that can be defined by x out of 20. (If you have to roll a 13 on a d 20 to hit them then you will probably hit them 8 out of every 20 times)
This of course does not factor in any special abilities you or the mob has to tip the scales. if you are fighting something that casts spells or has abilities and you don't keep them bashed then that will change the math too, but that seems like it would be harder to well as harder to discern from a Con if it is your first time fighting the critter.