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Wearing and Carrying and Bags, Oh My!

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Wearing and Carrying and Bags, Oh My!

Postby Zax » Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:24 pm

You can (and should) wear equipment on your body and carry things with you. Here's some tips to help you manage you possessions easier:

1) To see what you are carrying (inventory) type "inv" (or just "i")

2) To see what you equipment you are wearing type "eq"

3) To see what wearable slots are empty, type "eq missing"

4) To wear an item on your body, type "wear <item>". To hold an item type "hold <item>" (This is also how you light a torch - type "hold torch"). To wield a weapon type "wield <weapon>"

5) To remove any item from your body, type "rem <item>"

6) To wear or remove all of your equipment, type "wear all" or "rem all" respectively

7) There is a limit to how many items you can carry. That limit increases as you gain in levels. But there is a way to work around it. Bags, when carried, only count as one item, regardless or how many items are in the bag. So put stuff in bags and carry the bags.

8) To put an item in a bag, type "put <item> <bagname>". To put everything you are carrying in a bag type "put all <bagname>"

9) To see what is in a bag, type "exa <bagname>" to examine its contents.

10) To put all of the same type of item into a bag type "put all.<item> <bagname>". For example "put all.bread sack" puts all the bread in your inventory into your sack.

11) To take something out of a bag type "get <item> <bagname>. To get everything out of bag, type "get all <bagname>".

12) To get all of the same type of items from a bag type "get all.<item> <bagname>". For example "get all.bread sack" gets all the bread out of the sack.

13) If you are carrying multiple bags with the same bagname and you want something out of the xth bag, type "get <item> x.<bagname>". For example, "get potion 2.backpack" gets a potion from the second backpack you are carrying.

14) If you have multiple items of the same name in a bag and you want to get the xth item out of the bag, type "get x.<item> <bagname>". For example "get 3.potion backpack" gets the third potion in the sack from the sack.

15) All the above only work for bags you are carrying OR bags laying on the ground in the room you are in. To put/get items in/from a bag you are wearing on your back, you must first remove the bag.

16) A side note: Everything said about about using bags also applies to other containers such as chests, cabinets, and even corpses. (Corpses are just another type of container.) So, to see what's in a corpse, type "exa corpse". To get all the gold from a corpse, type "get all.gold corpse". For multiple corpses, use "get all.gold x.corpse" to get all the gold from the xth corpse in the room.

17) Now let's talk about carrying weight. You are also limited in how much weight you can carry. This limit is set by your strength. However, items that are worn on your body do not count against the carrying weight limit. So....put stuff in a bag and wear the bag in your back and you can carry more stuff!

That about covers the topic of managing your possessions. I know it sounds confusing but it will become second nature soon enough.

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